The Dinos take over!
Hollycombe is stepping back in time to pre historic times. The Dinosaurs are coming and not just any dinosaurs but the world famous DINOMANIA show as seen on Britain's Got Talent!
Three 45-minute shows throughout the afternoon featuring T.Rex fighting an Ankylosaurus, 3 baby dinosaurs that the children and adults can pet as the Rangers take them close to the crowd. Then an amazing section where they hatch an egg and meet a fresh hatchling dinosaur soon to be reunited with her large mum Nancy their large Raptor. To finish the show we meet a very cute prehistoric creature called Sally the Smilodon.
In between the shows come and enjoy the Dinosaur museum with Rangers on hand to explain some of the amazing fossils!
Take a look at giant Tyrannosaurus teeth and full size skull and we even have a full-size Diplodocus skull.
You can learn about horns, clubs, claws, teeth and even the plates from a Stegosaurus.
With over 200 different pieces to look at it will be an amazing experience for any age. The Rangers are extremely knowledgeable on all things prehistoric and love teaching the children about these amazing creatures that used to walk the planet.
Museum exhibits:
- Full size T.Rex skull
- Allosaurus skull in matrix
- Baryonyx skull in matrix
- Nanotyrannus skull
- Allosaurus full size foot
- Diplodocus skull
- Megalodon teeth
- Ammonites and trillobites
- Full size velociraptor in matrix
- Spinosaurus skull rostrum
- Spinosaurus teeth and hand
- Therizinosaurus claw
- Archaeopteryx
- Woolly Rhino full size skull
- Woolly mammoth teeth and tusk
- Icthyosaurus vertebrae
- Lots of amber
- Gallimimus foot
- T.rex teeth, bone and claws
- Stegosaurus plate
- Triceratops teeth and horn
- Iguanodon teeth and thumb spike.
The UKs largest prehistoric mobile museum!