Traditional Steam Fairground
Hollycombe’s Edwardian Fairground takes us back to over 100 years ago, bringing the atmosphere of a larger steam fair to life.
The classic fairground ride, our set of Gallopers is adorned with 24 galloping horses, 4 cockerels and 2 chariots.
The most popular of all fairground rides, the Gallopers roundabout is also known as a Merry-go-Round and on the Continent and in the USA as a Carousel (although these actually run in the opposite direction).
Our example is a 3-abreast Steam Gallopers, built around 1912 by Tidman of Norwich, with 24 horses, six cockerels and two chariots for those who don't relish the galloping motion. It is driven by a steam centre engine, also Tidman, and the revolving pillars, which we believe are the only ones still operating, are driven by a Tidman organ engine.
Many versions of these rides have been produced over the years with a variety of animals, including pigs and ostriches, but generally as a roundabout with galloping horses.